Paradigm Shift

A paradigm shift is defined as an important change that happens when the usual way of thinking about, or doing something, is replaced by a new and different way.

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Years ago, in Europe, the sun was thought to revolve around the earth. However after centuries of fighting, and accusations of heresy and blasphemy, there was a paradigm shift: it was accepted that the earth revolved around the sun, and this eureka moment was an important part of Europe coming out of the dark ages and facilitated huge leaps in progress. 

Unlike other ‘Anti-racist’* groups SAR wants to focus on the paradigm shift: as racism is disproportionately enacted by individuals in the Caucasian community, the best way to hold those individuals accountable, to reach those individuals and to educate those individuals, is for people from the Caucasian community to take a lead. 

It is time to turn the magnifying glass away from the nail and to make the hammer accountable. For far too long individuals from all communities have focused on problems with the nail and how it’s not functioning as it should. For too long the nail has had to endure disproportionate force and action, and then had to justify itself whilst resisting the power of the hammer. 

The nail has done its part using a disproportionate amount of its time and energy; we believe it’s time for the hammer to do its part. 

This may be contrary to the prevailing wisdom that the nail should carry on leading the fight against the hammer for another century whilst also shouldering the burden of the effects and power of the hammer, but SAR believes that is part of the reason why this societal problem has taken so long to resolve, the ownership of racism has been very effectively gaslighted onto the wrong community. 

SAR is proud to be fighting bigotry and prejudice coming from within their own community, they are taking responsibility to get their own house in order (in ways that could be seen as counterintuitive or against the status quo or prevailing centuries-long narrative)  

The burden of this fight should no longer be shouldered by the oppressed, but by the privileged communities whose members are the very people who benefit from and uphold these problematic behavior patterns that cause harm to our fellow humans.

Something as huge as a paradigm shift will inevitably involve mistakes, and misunderstandings will occur as we grow to reach a better place alongside our existing ‘Anti-Racist’ partners. We would however like to acknowledge our limitations and be open and humble in regards to them and to say all our efforts come from a genuine and heartfelt place.

By: John Heart, local to Stroud and advocate of anti-racism 

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